American Dog Tick
The tick is most commonly found on dogs, and readily attacks humans. It is of medical importance because it can…
Bed Bug
Bed bugs seek refuge in human beds during the daylight only to come out to feed on the bed’s occupants…
Black Fly
Also called “buffalo gnats” or “turkey gnats”, they are more common in the northern U.S., especially around areas of fast-moving…
Blacklegged/ Deer/ Bear Tick
This tick is a carrier of Lyme disease.
Cat Flea
Cat fleas not only cause discomfort by biting, but can transmit several diseases. They are found through the U.S. and…
Deer and Horse Flies
These are located primarily in suburban and rural areas where their breeding sites of in or near bodies of water…
Dog Flea
Dog fleas not only cause discomfort by biting, but can transmit several diseases. They are found through the U.S. and…
Human Lice
These are human-infesting lice. Infestation of any of these is a medical problem, not a pest control problem.
Mosquitoes are very important as vectors of numerous human diseases.
See sand fly.
Sand Fly
A major pest in coastal areas, sand flies are also called “no-see-ums” because of their small size, and “biting midges”…