• Cigarette Beetle

    Cigarette Beetle

    Attacks tobacco wherever it is stored. Distribution is worldwide.

  • Confused Flour Beetle

    Confused Flour Beetle

    This beetle got its name because of the confusion regarding its identity. One of the most important pests of stored…

  • Drugstore Beetle

    Drugstore Beetle

    This beetle got its name because of its being a serious pest of stored herbs used as medicine in early…

  • Foreign Grain Beetle

    Foreign Grain Beetle

    This beetle is a pest of damp and deteriorating stored product materials.

  • Granary Weevil

    Granary Weevil

    This weevil has been a major pest for centuries. It occurs worldwide in the cooler climates.

  • Hide Beetle

    Hide Beetle

    Hides and skin are the preferred food of adults and larvae.

  • Indianmeal Moth

    Probably the most important and commonly encountered pest of stored products in the home and grocery stores in the U.S.

  • Larder Beetle

    Larder Beetle

    This beetle is a major pest of cured meats and other stored provisions.

  • Lesser Grain Borer

    Lesser Grain Borer

    This beetle is the smaller of two species of bostrichid grain borers. Most common in south Canada, the U.S., Argentina,…

  • Rice Weevil Adult

    Rice Weevil

    Usually confined to stored grain north of North Carolina, but widely distributed in field and stored grain in the south.

  • Sawtooth Beetle

    Sawtoothed Beetle

    This beetle gets its name fro the six teeth located on each side of the prothorax.


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